The Legislative Committee, one of the standing committees of the Association, addresses key political issues, regulatory issues, and legislative issues common to the member health plans. The Committee develops policy positions, shapes legislative strategies and responds to important regulatory issues. The Legislative Committee is the most active committee of the Association, typically meeting weekly during the Virginia General Assembly regular session and monthly during the Interim session.
The Medical Directors Committee, one of the standing committees of the Association, is comprised of health plan medical directors or their physician designees. This Committee provides clinical expertise on issues before the Virginia General Assembly, as well as assisting with provider relations. Committee members may be called upon to provide expert testimony to legislative committees and commissions. This Committee meets periodically throughout the year and upon the call of the Chair.
The Medicaid MCP (Managed Care Plans) Committee examines key political issues, regulatory issues, and legislative issues common to the member health plans contracting with the Commonwealth for Medicaid Managed Care services. The Committee recommends policy positions, as well as legislative and regulatory strategies to the Legislative Committee for consideration. The Medicaid MCP Committee meets regularly throughout the year, typically meeting monthly during the Interim session and more frequently during the Virginia General Assembly regular session when necessary. The Medicaid MCP Committee also has established subcommittees based on contract-type that meet to discuss common items of concern.